The Malaysian Institute of Accountants sets the standards of professional ethics and professional conduct for all members in view of their professional responsibilities and duties owned to clients, employers, the authorities and the public at large.
Members of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants must exhibit the highest standards of ethics, professionalism and professional conduct that are expected of the profession.
In view of the above, all members are requested to observe strictly to the MIA By-Laws and the pronouncements on professional matters and professional ethics issued by the Institute from time to time. The By-Laws provides that every member shall conduct in a manner consistent with the good reputation of the accountancy profession and refrain from any act or default, which is likely to bring discredit to the profession.
MIA takes any breaches of its By-Laws, Act, Rules and other regulations seriously and has in place an investigation and disciplinary process to deal with complaints against its members by virtue of the provision in the MIA Disciplinary Rules 2002.