Valuation is a complex area for business valuers and practitioners. Sound valuation is critical to make effective capital allocation decisions.
As the regulator and developer of the profession, the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) and its Valuation Committee have taken the initiative to advocate for the ongoing development of business valuation.
MIA’s integrated strategy to develop the valuation sector in Malaysia with a view to achieving designated goals are as follows:
- To engage with regulators and key stakeholders on business valuation matters in order to strengthen the business valuation ecosystem and support enabling regulations.
- To develop and adopt professional standards and the framework for business valuation in Malaysia to enhance Malaysia’s competitiveness and global harmonisation.
- To develop a competency framework for business valuation experts in Malaysia that will help to benchmark and upskill practitioners and ensure their relevance to the industry.
- To discuss practical problems faced by the valuation industry relating to the application of valuation standards or frameworks, and to provide guidance.
- To strengthen and innovate thought leadership on business valuation in Malaysia.
The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) has issued the Best Practice Guide (“Guide”) and Skills Set to Perform Business Valuation Activities in Malaysia 2019 (“Skills Set”) upon the recommendation of the Valuation Committee (“VC”) of the MIA to be used as a reference by MIA members.
Both guides were developed based on the requirement for consistent, uniform and transparent valuation procedures by competent professionals and to further harmonise diverse valuation practices in Malaysia.