Categories: Complaints & Sanctions, DecisionsPublished On: 07/11/2023

Dato’ Yap Pian Seen (6621):-

in his capacity as the director of Asitax Sdn Bhd had been reprimanded and imposed costs of RM4000-00 by the Disciplinary Committee of the Institute on 7/11/2023 for he had on 2/3/2023 published and/or advertised misrepresented information that Asitax Sdn Bhd and ASI Group of Companies (‘the Companies’) provides and/or offers amongst others audit service where in fact neither Companies is an audit firm registered with the Institute. In the same Jobstreet website and, he had advertised for a job vacancy for an audit executive post. The said advertisement and the misrepresented information is likely to lead the public at large to infer that the Companies are authorised to provide audit related services where in fact it is not qualified to do so.