Cheing Jin Hui (31867)
Cheing Jin Hui (31867) the sole proprietor of Messrs. Cheing [...]
Cheing Jin Hui (31867) the sole proprietor of Messrs. Cheing [...]
Khoo Siong Kee (1550) the sole proprietor of Messrs. Mustapha [...]
Thien Hon Leong (14793) a partner of Messrs. Shinewing TY [...]
Tan Poh Ling (10559) as a partner of Messrs. Total [...]
Tai Yoong Noor (3618) partner of Messrs. K C Chia [...]
Liew Lay Meng (23667) a partner of Messrs. K C [...]
Dr. Teoh Toh Yeap (16128) a partner of Messrs. Shinewing [...]
Pursuant to Rule 18(2) of the MIA (Disciplinary) Rules 2002 [...]
Shahrizam A. Shukor (17202) in his capacity as a company [...]
See Yun Choy (23125) as one of the directors of [...]