Categories: SpeechesPublished On: 12/01/2021

Distinguished Speakers, Ladies and Gentlemen

  1. Good Afternoon and welcome to this Virtual Talk on Risk, Strategy and Governance – How Integrated Thinking Can Support Boards in Creating Long-Term Value.
  2. This virtual talk is a collaboration between MIA with the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia, intended to strengthen <IR> adoption and quality in Malaysia. As the advocate for <IR> in Malaysia and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)-certified trainer for ASEAN, MIA welcomes collaborative opportunities to drive the <IR> agenda. <IR> is key towards enhancing corporate reporting, market integrity, and investor confidence and trust in Malaysia.
  3. Since we embarked on our journey of <IR> advocacy, <IR> in Malaysia has grown. Support by the Securities Commission as the capital market regulator has been instrumental in pushing <IR> acceptance and developing an enabling ecosystem, specifically through the inclusion of <IR> in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance and the Securities Commission’s Corporate Governance Strategic Priorities (2017-2020).
  4. The Corporate Governance Monitor 2020 released by the SC revealed that 105 listed companies in Malaysia have commenced their journey with <IR> from just a handful when <IR> was first introduced. To learn more about the state of <IR> in Malaysia, the CG Monitor 2020 features an article by the Integrated Reporting Steering Committee that talks about Integrated Reporting: A Review and Recommendations Moving Forward. This is very useful for both seasoned and new preparers as well as corporate directors charged with corporate governance oversight.
  5. As we have a packed schedule ahead of us in the next 2 hours, I will keep my remarks short. Before we start, I would like to thank our distinguished speakers for being here with us today:
    • Charles Tilly – Chief Executive Officer, IIRC
    • Jonathan Labrey – Chief Strategy Officer, IIRC
    • Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan – Chairman of Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad,
    • Amar Gill, Managing Director, BlackRock
    • Ong Chee Wai, Chairman of MIA’s Integrated Reporting Steering Committee (IRSC)
    • Christina Foo, Chairman of Audit Committee of KPJ Healthcare Bhd;
    • Mustamir Mohamed, Group Chief Financial Officer of Sime Darby, and
    • last but not least, MIA’s own stalwarts of <IR>, Dr Nurmazilah Dato Mahzan – Chief Executive Officer, MIA and Simon Tay, Executive Director of MIA.
  6. Jonathan will open today’s webinar with his presentation on Risk, Strategy and Governance – How Integrated Thinking Can Support Boards in Creating Long-Term Value before we proceed with the panel sessions on Enhancing Corporate Governance through Integrated Thinking, followed by Implementing Integrated Thinking and Reporting.
  7. Both panels will take questions from participants. So do feel free to ask our experts about your issues with <IR>. Our intention is that platforms such as these will enliven the dialogue on <IR> and help preparers to enhance their corporate reports, thereby supporting transparency, market competitiveness and investor confidence.
  8. Before I end, I would like to thank the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia for collaborating with MIA on driving <IR> as well as all our distinguished speakers for contributing to the cause of excellence in corporate reporting. I am confident that all current and potential preparers will benefit from today’s sessions and wish everybody a fruitful webinar. Thank you.