Distinguished Speakers, Ladies and Gentlemen
- Good Afternoon and welcome to this Virtual Talk on Risk, Strategy and Governance – How Integrated Thinking Can Support Boards in Creating Long-Term Value.
- This virtual talk is a collaboration between MIA with the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia, intended to strengthen <IR> adoption and quality in Malaysia. As the advocate for <IR> in Malaysia and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)-certified trainer for ASEAN, MIA welcomes collaborative opportunities to drive the <IR> agenda. <IR> is key towards enhancing corporate reporting, market integrity, and investor confidence and trust in Malaysia.
- Since we embarked on our journey of <IR> advocacy, <IR> in Malaysia has grown. Support by the Securities Commission as the capital market regulator has been instrumental in pushing <IR> acceptance and developing an enabling ecosystem, specifically through the inclusion of <IR> in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance and the Securities Commission’s Corporate Governance Strategic Priorities (2017-2020).
- The Corporate Governance Monitor 2020 released by the SC revealed that 105 listed companies in Malaysia have commenced their journey with <IR> from just a handful when <IR> was first introduced. To learn more about the state of <IR> in Malaysia, the CG Monitor 2020 features an article by the Integrated Reporting Steering Committee that talks about Integrated Reporting: A Review and Recommendations Moving Forward. This is very useful for both seasoned and new preparers as well as corporate directors charged with corporate governance oversight.
- As we have a packed schedule ahead of us in the next 2 hours, I will keep my remarks short. Before we start, I would like to thank our distinguished speakers for being here with us today:
- Charles Tilly – Chief Executive Officer, IIRC
- Jonathan Labrey – Chief Strategy Officer, IIRC
- Datuk Zaiton Mohd Hassan – Chairman of Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad,
- Amar Gill, Managing Director, BlackRock
- Ong Chee Wai, Chairman of MIA’s Integrated Reporting Steering Committee (IRSC)
- Christina Foo, Chairman of Audit Committee of KPJ Healthcare Bhd;
- Mustamir Mohamed, Group Chief Financial Officer of Sime Darby, and
- last but not least, MIA’s own stalwarts of <IR>, Dr Nurmazilah Dato Mahzan – Chief Executive Officer, MIA and Simon Tay, Executive Director of MIA.
- Jonathan will open today’s webinar with his presentation on Risk, Strategy and Governance – How Integrated Thinking Can Support Boards in Creating Long-Term Value before we proceed with the panel sessions on Enhancing Corporate Governance through Integrated Thinking, followed by Implementing Integrated Thinking and Reporting.
- Both panels will take questions from participants. So do feel free to ask our experts about your issues with <IR>. Our intention is that platforms such as these will enliven the dialogue on <IR> and help preparers to enhance their corporate reports, thereby supporting transparency, market competitiveness and investor confidence.
- Before I end, I would like to thank the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia for collaborating with MIA on driving <IR> as well as all our distinguished speakers for contributing to the cause of excellence in corporate reporting. I am confident that all current and potential preparers will benefit from today’s sessions and wish everybody a fruitful webinar. Thank you.