To All Members
Earlier this week, the Government announced that services of professional accountancy firms are allowed to operate physically under Phase 1 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) with 60% capacity. Details of the announcement are available in our Statement dated 20 July 2021. Further to this, the following are updates for professional accountancy firms:
- MITI’s COVID-19 Intelligent Management System (CIMS): The COVID-19 Intelligent Management System (CIMS), which enables MIA member firms/practising certificate holders to apply for approval letters to facilitate the movement of employees and operations at office premises is now live. Member firms/PC holders are required to proceed with first time registration if they have yet to register and open an account with CIMS. For firms that have previously registered, the previous login email and password will still be valid, and firms can use the same login email password to access the CIMS and submit applications.Please select the following cluster and sectors under the CIMS when submitting your application:
Cluster Perkhidmatan Perakaunan oleh Akauntan Bertauliah MIA Sector Please select one of the following: Firma Audit (AF) For MIA Audit Firms (AF) Firma Bukan Audit (NF) For MIA Non-audit Firms (NF) Pemegang Sijil Amalan (PC) MIA For PC holders who act as directors in entities other than AF/NF, such as Sdn Bhd. Note: Please email your latest company profile or lodgement form to SSM under Sections 17, 14, 58 and 236(2) to in order for MIA to verify your director status through CIMS.
- The Institute will endeavour to approve all applications from AF and NF within 48 hours. For MIA PC holders that operate under other entities, the processing time will be 3 to 5 working days. To check on any application that has yet to be approved after the normal processing period, please email to click HERE for a tutorial video on how to apply through MITI’s CIMS. For technical enquiries on CIMS, please contact MITI at 03-6208 4949 or email
- Firms that are operating physically must submit an online reporting form for submission of daily employee data to Ministry of Finance: Firms are required to provide their employee’s data via an online reporting form available HERE only on the days their premises are open and their employees are operating physically. These forms must be submitted latest by 12 noon.
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) applicable for professional accountancy firms: As at the issuance of this Statement, Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) has yet to upload the latest SOPs for professional accountancy firms. The MIA will inform all members once the SOPs applicable for professional accountancy firms have been uploaded by MKN. Member firms are only allowed to operate physically after the SOPs are published by MKN in its website. For enquiries on SOPs, please email
MIA appreciates the Government’s response and initiatives in supporting the accountancy profession, which will facilitate business operations and continuity as well as the wellbeing of the profession. In turn, the Institute hopes that our members will continue to respect the Government’s decision by always prioritising the health and wellbeing of their staff as a defence against COVID-19. Let us work together for the greater good of the community to win this battle against the pandemic.
The Institute will continue to closely monitor the situation, maintain close communication with the relevant authorities and our stakeholders, and notify members of any future developments.
We thank you for your understanding and patience and we hope that everyone will stay safe.
Chief Executive Officer