THE EI8HT Laser Hair Removal Centre
The EI8HT is a laser hair removal centre which provides affordable prices for its services. Now everyone can have a painless hair-free removal using the latest and advanced German Technology. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the technology is known as D-light Laser and is guaranteed safe for sensitive skin with zero side effects, infection or skin burning. The EI8HT has extensive experience in the field of body hair removal and permanent hair removal services.
Benefits & Privileges
Flash Promo Valid for New Customers of The EI8HT Laser Hair Removal Centre
1) RM88.00 nett (Boyzilian D-light Laser Hair Removal) (Male) – Normal Price Market Value RM518.00
2) RM88.00 nett (Brazilian D-light Laser Hair Removal) (Female) – Normal Price Market Value RM318.00
3) RM88.00 nett (Half-Leg Bottom D-light Laser Hair Removal) (Male/Female) – Normal Price Market Value RM288
Purchase With Purchase (PWP) Offer Add On
4) RM8.00 nett (Underarm D-light Laser Hair Removal) (Male/Female) – Normal Price Market Value RM208
i. Members are required to book 2 days in advance for an appointment slot
iii. Valid for NEW customers only OR MIA members with no visit record for a year
Unlimited Claim Offer Benefit
1) Extra 8% off Discount (Special for all promotion packages)
Only valid for MIA members
- The EI8HT Laser Hair Removal Centre, Taipan USJ, Subang
- The EI8HT Laser Hair Removal Centre, Sri Petaling
Terms & Conditions
- Members are required to present the MIA e-Card to enjoy the discount
- For reservations, please call +6010 818 8811