The MIA Council recently has agreed to allow applicants with qualifications other than those recognised by the Public Service Department (PSD) of the Government to qualify for the MIA Qualifying Examination (QE) under Section 15A(2) of the Accountants Act 1967. At the moment the MIA QE is only open to applicants with qualifications recognised by the PSD.
Therefore, applicants who possesses a qualification relating to accounting, business and finance other than those recognised by the PSD of the Government are now eligible to qualify for the MIA QE subject to further review by the MIA Examination Committee. The requirement of 60 per cent accounting content from the total qualification will remain unchanged as mentioned in Rules 3(3) of the MIA QE Rules 2002.
The MIA QE was officially launched in March 2003 as the third route for admission into MIA as a Chartered Accountant. This was provided for under the amendments to Section 15 of the Accountants Act 1967 (Act). Specifically, the MIA QE is an alternative pathway for graduates who do not possess a qualification recognised under Part I and Part II of the First Schedule to the Act. Graduates may gain MIA membership after passing the MIA QE and completing the CARE Programme successfully.
Since 2003, MIA relies on PSD’s recognition in order to control and maintain the quality of the MIA QE. However, it is noted that the recognition awarded by the PSD is solely for the purpose of appointment into the Public Service and not for the purpose of the MIA QE eligibility. As a result, there were a number of qualified applicants who hold qualifications relating to accounting, business and finance, other than those recognised by the PSD, who were deemed not eligible to qualify for the MIA QE.
The Institute is calling for those eligible applicants to send in their application to the Education Department of MIA.
- What are the new updates in the MIA QE?The MIA Council recently has agreed to allow applicants with qualifications other than those recognised by the Public Service Department (PSD) of the Government to qualify for the MIA Qualifying Examination (QE) under Section 15A(2) of the Accountants Act 1967. At the moment the MIA QE is only open to applicants with qualifications recognised by the PSD.Therefore, applicants who possesses a qualification relating to accounting, business and finance other than those recognised by the PSD are now eligible to qualify for the MIA QE subject to further review by the MIA Examination Committee. The requirement of 60 per cent accounting content from the total qualification will remain unchanged as mentioned in Rules 3(3) of the MIA QE Rules 2002.
- What prompted MIA to allow applicants with qualifications other than those recognised by the PSD to qualify for the MIA QE?Since 2003, MIA relies on PSD’s recognition in order to control and maintain the quality of the MIA QE. However, it is noted that the recognition awarded by the PSD is solely for the purpose of appointment into the Public Service and not for the purpose of the MIA QE eligibility. As a result, there were a number of qualified applicants who hold qualifications relating to accounting, business and finance, other than those recognised by the PSD, who were deemed not eligible to qualify for the MIA QE.MIA is providing a new opportunity to qualified applicants to become a MIA member through the MIA QE pathway.
- How different are the eligibility requirements under this new updates with the existing?
Existing New Updates - An applicant must hold a qualification of not lower than a first degree in relation to accounting, business or finance recognised by the PSD.
- The accounting content in the qualification shall form not less than sixty per cent of the total qualification.
- The eligibility to qualify for the MIA QE is subject to the review and approval by the MIA Examination Committee.
- An applicant who holds a qualification relating to accounting, business and finance other than those recognised by the PSD may apply to qualify for the MIA QE.
- The accounting content in the qualification shall form not less than sixty per cent of the total qualification.
- The eligibility to qualify for the MIA QE is subject to the approval by the MIA Council.
- Does this mean that holders from Universities/Colleges which are not recognised by the PSD are eligible to qualify for the MIA QE?Yes. The eligibility to qualify for the MIA QE is subject to the approval by the MIA Council.
- How do I apply to be a MIA QE candidate under the new updates?
- Application form can be obtained from the Institute or by downloading it from www.mia.org.my.To download the form, go to Education Menu, and click on Qualifying Examination to download the form
- Application can be made online, however, you are still required to submit the hardcopy of the application form together with the supporting documents directly to the Institute.
- All photocopied documents must be certified true by either a member of MIA, member of Parliament, Magistrate, Justice of Peace, Notary of Public or any other persons authorised under the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960. Alternatively, a declaration which acknowledges that copies of the documents are true originals may be performed before and attested by a Commissioner for Oaths.
- Please ensure that all supporting documents are forwarded to MIA before the closing dates. Please see below for details..
- When is the closing date to apply for the MIA QE under the new updates?Eligible applicants are requested to submit the application form along with the necessary documents and registration fee to MIA on or before the closing date for acceptance of applications as stated below:
Examination Sitting Closing Date March
September31 October of the previous year
30 April of the current year - Who will process the MIA QE application under the new updates?The MIA Education Department will process all MIA QE applications. All applications will be reviewed by the MIA Examination Committee before submitting to the MIA Council for approval.
- How long does it take for MIA to process the application under the new updates?The application process will take a minimum of two months to be approved by the MIA Council.For more FAQs on the existing MIA QE, please click to the following link: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)