Categories: QE UpdatesPublished On: 24/01/2017

Dear All,

In view of the changes that would take place in the accountancy profession based on the recommendations from the Committee to Strengthen the Accountancy Profession (CSAP), the MIA Council at its meeting dated 15 December 2016 had decided that the registration for the new MIA QE candidates must be done by 30 April 2017.

As this is the final intake for the MIA QE, new candidates will not be able to register after the deadline.

The applications from the new MIA QE candidates will be processed and tabled to the MIA Examination Committee for consideration. If approved by the Committee, the candidates may sit for the first examination in September 2017 sitting.

MIA QE candidates who had registered previously and interested to re-register as new QE candidates are advised to follow the deadline as stated above.

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at 03-2722 9000 for the attention of Siti Murni and Sarah (extensions 145 & 146) or email to

Ho Foong Chin
Head of Membership & Education