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Member Services

A member may request for a letter of good standing from the Institute to support your application with other professional bodies or organisations.


The criteria to issue a letter of good standing are as follow:

  1. Active member of the Institute;
  2. Completed Member Induction Course
  3. The annual subscription fee and Practising Certificate fee has been up to date;
  4. *Complied with Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements for the last 3 years of the Institute with minimum 20 CPE credit hours for each year; 
  5. Not currently under any disciplinary sanctions;
  6. No debts owed to the Institute;
  7. Not adjudicated a bankrupt; and
  8. Not convicted in any court of law.

*Kindly note for members’ participating in training organised by the Institute, the CPE hours will be automatically updated for members. For external training, members are required to update the external training record in Member Services Portal by log on to ‘My Account‘ – My CPE Hours – External CPE Hours Summary – Add External CPE Hours.

As the structured CPE credit hours are calculated on a yearly basis, no transfer can be made for the extra hours obtained in any other year.

For further enquiry about the CPE, kindly contact our CPE Compliance Unit at cpeaudit@mia.org.my

The Institute will issue the letter of good standing only if a member fulfil the above criteria.

Submit Your Application

Log on to ‘My Account‘ – Submit Applications – Letter of Good Standing

Further information, please contact the Membership Department at membership@mia.org.my