Available Grants for Digital Transformation
Principle 4 of the MIA Digital Technology Blueprint establishes the importance of funding in the digital transformation process. In the MIA’s surveys on technology adoption in 2017 and 2019, cost was identified as the top barrier in adopting technology.
One of MIA’s initiatives in its Digital Technology Blueprint Operation Plan is identifying the availability of funding in order to assist our members in the adoption of digital technology. As such, we wish to reiterate the grants available to facilitate your digital transformation which are as follows:
SME Digitalisation Grant
- Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from any sector
- Matching basis based on identified digitalisation areas
- Currently available
- by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
Smart Automation Grant
- SMEs, MTCs from the services sector as well as small and medium practices (SMPs)
- Matching basis up to 50% of the total cost
- Pending announcement for the next submission
- by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)