All applicants must prepare a document that set out their responses to the questions listed below. Applicants are required to demonstrate clearly on how each question is addressed to provide clarity to the adjudicators.


  • Describe the digital technology adopted and its specifications.
  • How did you implement the technology adopted?
  • Why did you adopt digital technology and how did it align to the overall strategy of your finance function or practice?
  • How is the technology implementation funded and how much cost is incurred inrespect of the implementation (as a percentage of annual budget)?
  • What are the challenges that you faced during the adoption and how did you overcome it?
  • What are the policies and procedures established in respect of the technology implementation and its subsequent use and maintenance?
  • What are key lessons learnt from the technology adoption journey?

Revenue and Cost

  • How did the technology adoption impact your revenue?
  • How did the technology adoption impact your cost?

Experience and Impact

  • How did the technology adoption give impact towards satisfaction of customers, clients and/or stakeholders?*
    *For instance, by adopting technology, the company has increased customer satisfaction which is measurable.
  • How did the technology adoption give impact towards productivity?
  • How did the technology adoption give impact towards staff mobility?*
    *Staff mobility is staff ability to work remotely.
  • How did the technology adoption give impact towards staff morale?*
    *Staff morale is staff happiness with the working environment.

Other Value Creation

  • How did the technology adoption give impact towards sustainability of the organisation?
  • How did the technology adoption give impact towards the branding of the organisation?
  • What is the Return of Investment (ROI)? (i.e. payback period of the technology adopted by the organisation)
  • How innovative was the technology adoption to the organisation?

Supporting Ministry

Supporting Organisations

Supporting Professional Bodies

Supporting Technology Providers