Simon Tay heads MIA’s Professional Practices and Technical division, which drives consensus and provides technical guidance to all accountancy professionals in Malaysia to achieve consistent professional practices, while raising their value for future relevance and to meet market expectations.
Under his guidance, PPT advises on a broad range of technical matters impacting Accounting, Auditing, Regulations, Taxation, Ethics as well as professional
practices affecting Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) and Small and Medium Practices (SMP), and provides support to MIA’s various technical committees and Boards.
Simon’s team is actively involved in research and analysis of new and upcoming developments affecting the profession, and regularly produces technical publications and guidance to upskill members and accountancy professionals and heighten compliance and quality. During Simon’s tenure, the division has embarked on key capacity-building projects in areas as diverse as integrated reporting, implementation of financial reporting standards, enhanced auditor reporting, public sector accounting and financial management, competency framework for chief executive officer (CFOs) and the finance function, Islamic finance, insolvency and business valuation to benefit stakeholders and the market.
Simon is a member of MIA and CPA Australia, with over 20 years of broad audit experience in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Vietnam. Globally, he serves as a technical advisor to the SMP Advisory Group of the International Federation of Accountants and regionally as Chair of the ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA) Working Committee 1. Prior to joining MIA, Simon was an Executive Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Malaysia.