Abdul Qadir Osman Mohd Aros (36707) as the sole proprietor of AQ Aros & Co (‘the Firm’) had
been punished and imposed a fine of RM2000-00 and costs of RM4000-00 by the Disciplinary
Committee of the Institute on 14/3/2024 for he had as at 3/7/2023 found to have published and/or
advertised misrepresented information that the Firm is engaged in the provision of audit and tax
related services on the Firm’s social media platform such as Facebook and Instagram, where in fact
he does not possess an audit license nor a tax license issued by the relevant authority to qualify
him and/or the Firm to represent as being engaged in such services and/or to advertise in the Firm’s
Facebook and LinkedIn for job vacancies of an Audit Associates and Assistant Manager, Accountant
and Taxation related to audit and tax services.